When you enroll with us it means you plan to get your ongoing primary healthcare through our practice team and together we can plan to meet your health needs. After you enroll at our practice you will be entitled to lower fees. The Government provides subsidies to lower the cost of GP visits for people enrolled in a primary health care organisation (PHO), through a general practice. Our general practice is a member of the PHO, ProCare Network.
You can only be enrolled in one general practice at a time, and the practice in which you are enrolled will receive funding for you. If you need to make a casual visit to another practice and you do not hold a Community Services Card, you may be charged the full fee as a casual patient. To maintain your enrollment you will need to have contact with the general practice at least every 3 years.
To enroll, you will have to complete and sign a form which the receptionist will give you. The form will require you to provide some personal details such as name, age, date of birth, address and ethnicity. The information collected at enrollment is subject to the Privacy Act 1993 and the Health Information Privacy Code 1994, so the privacy of your information is protected.
Not everyone is eligible for enrollment. The eligibility of non-New Zealand residents for publicly funded health care depends on their work visa status. The Ministry of Health website has a guide to eligibility criteria. Click
here to view.
Community Services Card
The Community Services Card can further reduce the cost of visits to a GP if you are enrolled at their practice (for yourself, and your dependent children aged 14-17), and prescription fees.
Click here to find out more about the Community Service Card and to download an application form.